Friday, 18 December 2015

5 Signs Your Pet Needs To See a Vet

It isn’t always easy to determine if your pet is sick. After all, he or she can’t talk to tell you that something is wrong. It is up to you to watch for signs that something may be wrong. If you notice the following signs, it is important to get your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your pet is suddenly going to the bathroom in places where he or she should not, this is a sign that something may be wrong. When a pet suddenly starts having accidents, it could indicate he or she is having bladder or bowel control issues. The animal shouldn’t be punished because it likely wasn’t his or her fault. Get your pet to the vet to see what is going on.

If your pet’s appearance changes, they should see the vet. A common issue is with fur. If your pet is losing fur, has bald patches or signs of itchy skin, you should take them to a vet to get checked out. This could indicate a variety of problems, such as allergies, or indicate an underlying serious medical condition.

If your pet’s eating or drinking habits change suddenly, it could be sign something is wrong. A pet that is not drinking or eating is a serious situation that could indicate anything from a blockage to cancer. A pet who is suddenly drinking a lot could indicate an issue like kidney problems.

If your pet’s movements change, then they should see the vet. A change in movement might be subtle, like a limp, or more severe, like the inability to move the back legs. Changes like this can be a sign of many different conditions. It is always best to see a vet if there are any changes in how your pet moves to rule out serious conditions and treat minor issues.

If your pet just isn’t acting normal, you should get them to the vet. Changes in behavior can range from being more aggressive to sleeping more often to becoming whiny. These changes can be due to things like anxiety disorder, behavioral issues or an illness. Because there are so many different causes, some of them severe, it is always best to get the animal looked over by a vet.

You are an advocate for your pet and only you know what is normal for your pet, so that is why it is up to you to pay attention to signs that may signal your pet needs to see the vet. Click here to learn more about a vet clinic in Morgan Hill.

Top Three Fatal Illnesses in Pet Rodents

Your pet mouse or rat has a life expectancy of 2 to 5 years. Because the commitment is less than with a dog or a cat, this relatively short life can be seen as a positive thing for first-time pet owners, children who might lose interest in their new pet quickly and elderly pet owners who are anticipating changes in their living situation. Rodents can die suddenly, for no obvious reason, but for pet owners who want to know why, here are the top three fatal illnesses.

1. Infections can cause death.

There are many infections that pet rodents are susceptible to. Whether bacterial, viral or fungal, infections can quickly go from mild to deadly. If you think your pet is sick, take him to the vet right away. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling a sick animal.

2. Obesity can lead to death.

Just like in dogs, cats and humans, obesity in pet rodents can lead to organ failure and death. Keep your rodent on a strict, healthy diet and provide opportunities for exercise to keep his weight in check.

3. Tumors are a frequent cause of death.

If your pet rodent lives more than 2 years, his chances of developing a tumor are very high. Many of these tumors are cancerous, and will eventually cause the loss of your pet.

All pets are precious and should be treasured during their lifespan. For more information about a pet doctor for rodents in Morgan Hill, visit this website.

Catch Health Problems Early

Veterinaries are very skilled at all the common diagnostic tools used on animals. This pooch is receiving a sonogram, which can find obstructions and foreign objects. Don't delay to schedule a vet visit if your furry friend is acting strange. 

The Big Five Foods Not to Feed Your Cat


Most pet owners love to give their furry companions a treat now and then. Some table foods are fine for occasionally rewarding your cat with, but there are some foods that should be strictly forbidden from your cat’s diet.

1. Milk can cause tummy troubles.

Never mind the classic image of a cat lapping up the spilled milk. Dairy products are not easily digested by cats and can cause diarrhea.

2. Bones are a choking hazard.

Cats’ teeth are not designed to grind up bones. To avoid a choking incident with your kitty, make sure he doesn’t get his paws on any bones.

3. Raw meat can contain parasites.

To avoid ingestion of internal parasites, do not feed your cat raw meat. Small bites of cooked meat are fine.

4. Fish upsets the diet.

Believe it or not, fish is not nutritionally balanced for felines, and over-consumption may cause dietary deficiencies.

5. Onions are toxic.

Neither dogs nor cats are able to eat onions without becoming sick. Cats are especially susceptible to onion toxicity. Any food containing onions in raw, cooked or powdered form should never be fed to your cat.

If you want to feed your cat a healthy treat from time to time, consider purchasing ready-made cat treats that are available wherever you buy pet food. For more information about finding a good surgical vet in San Jose, visit this website.

How to Spot a Sick Rabbit


If you love your bunny rabbit and know his moods well, you’ll probably know when he isn’t feeling quite right. However, with a new pet or one that has a quiet nature, it can be difficult to know if it is under or weather or just having a quiet day. Read on for some tips to help you spot a sick rabbit.

1. Loss of appetite.

A healthy rabbit should munch through his feed at a steady pace. If your pet seems disinterested in food, or refuses his favorite treat, he probably isn’t feeling well. If loss of appetite persists for more than a day, calling the vet is a good idea.

2. Pellets tell a story.

Fecal matter from a healthy rabbit is round and shiny. If your bunny is producing small, hard or dry droppings, he could be ill.

3. Ears communicate health.

Rabbits regulate their temperature through their ears, which is one reason they are so large. If your bunny’s ears feel strangely hot or cold to the touch, he could be experiencing illness.

Remember that what seems normal for one rabbit may be a sign of sickness in another. It’s important that you pay close attention to your rabbit’s daily habits so that you can spot signs of sickness before the symptoms become acute. For more information about a vet clinic for Rabbits in Morgan Hill, visit this website.

Dogs Getting in the Holiday Spirit

Taj rocking the wreath like nobody's more

The Benefits of Teeth Cleaning for Your Dog


For most people, a dog is like a slobbery, four-legged child bursting with unconditional love. That is why you should schedule routine oral exams to ensure proper dental hygiene for your pup. Before contacting a vet, consider the advantages of canine teeth cleaning to prevent more serious conditions over time.

Eliminate Infections

Like humans, dogs accumulate bacteria under the gums that can cause a number of health-related problems. To stop harmful infections from traveling throughout the body, most vets recommend brushing between each cleaning to hinder excessive growth or illness.

Freshen Bad Breath

Dogs that have bad breath are also affected by bacteria, a symptom that can be quite unpleasant when your pooch vigorously licks the side of your face. Fortunately, annual cleanings go a long way toward reducing the smell, making it easier to tolerate those wet, welcoming kisses.

Minimize Missing Teeth

If plaque is allowed to build up, gingivitis becomes an additional threat. As a result, gums grow weak after a period of time, causing teeth to wiggle around painfully.To stop the advance of gum disease, schedule a complete cleaning and examination each year.

In general, dogs require just as much attention as humans when it comes to dental hygiene. Visit this website to find out more about pet dental services in San Jose.

3 Signs Your Senior Dog Might Be Struggling


For those who own a senior dog, there are several signs and characteristics you should be able to recognize over time. To determine whether your dog requires medical attention due to old age, review the following symptoms carefully before contacting a vet.

Dulled Sight and Smell

While older dogs often have trouble hearing or seeing, your pet may be going blind or deaf if you notice an unresponsive attitude or frequent falls. Some eye conditions can be rectified if treated right away, but owners must be willing to create a safe environment for senior dogs to prevent accidents as they age.

Behavioral Changes

One of the most difficult parts of owning a senior dog is watching their personality fade. Like humans, some dogs even get cranky or forgetful with age. However, dogs that become unusually aggressive or confused could be plagued by more serious conditions, such as dementia or anxiety.

Skin and Weight Issues

Another sign your dog may not be aging well is fluctuation in weight or skin problems. Pets that are too heavy or thin might suffer from diabetes or heart disease, while bumps and lesions could be an early sign of cancer. No matter what is troubling your senior dog, visit this website to find a reputable vet clinic in Morgan Hill.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Should You Scrap the Table Scraps?

As winter break comes to a close, numerous students find themselves back at home with a fridge full of leftovers. For many pet owners, this means a few more

Is Your Dog Pregnant? Find Out Now

It can be very scary to think your dog may be pregnant if you aren’t prepared to care for and potentially keep a bunch of puppies. It is also important to know early on if your dog is pregnant, so your can provide proper care. Here are some ways to tell your dog is pregnant.

Changes in Their Body

Body changes, such as swelling in the nipples or changing color in the nipples, are one of the most obvious ways to tell before the dog starts swelling up toward the end of the pregnancy.

Changes in Behavior

Behavioral changes can also be an indicator, although they may not be as obvious. These changes include This may often not become a sign until the last third of their gestation period. Changes could include becoming more tired and less active, as well as a change in appetite. She may also start nesting, or gathering blankets and clothes in a secluded place.

Visiting Your Veterinarian

The most surefire way to know if your dog is pregnant is to take them to a veterinarian for an ultrasound. This will also alert you to any other reasons your dog may be acting strange.

If you are not wanting pups and your dog isn’t already pregnant, the best way to prevent an unwanted litter is to see a spay clinic in Santa Cruz.