Monday, 7 December 2015

Is Your Dog Pregnant? Find Out Now

It can be very scary to think your dog may be pregnant if you aren’t prepared to care for and potentially keep a bunch of puppies. It is also important to know early on if your dog is pregnant, so your can provide proper care. Here are some ways to tell your dog is pregnant.

Changes in Their Body

Body changes, such as swelling in the nipples or changing color in the nipples, are one of the most obvious ways to tell before the dog starts swelling up toward the end of the pregnancy.

Changes in Behavior

Behavioral changes can also be an indicator, although they may not be as obvious. These changes include This may often not become a sign until the last third of their gestation period. Changes could include becoming more tired and less active, as well as a change in appetite. She may also start nesting, or gathering blankets and clothes in a secluded place.

Visiting Your Veterinarian

The most surefire way to know if your dog is pregnant is to take them to a veterinarian for an ultrasound. This will also alert you to any other reasons your dog may be acting strange.

If you are not wanting pups and your dog isn’t already pregnant, the best way to prevent an unwanted litter is to see a spay clinic in Santa Cruz.

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